what is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a full antenatal preparation course providing comprehensive information on birth, pregnancy and beyond. It teaches you effective tools (expansive & focused breathing techniques, optimal positions and comfort measures) to optimise relaxation as well as giving you a broad range of knowledge to empower you. You will have all that you need to approach your birth with the perfect blend of confidence and calmness ensuring that you make informed decisions that are best for you and your circumstances.
what to expect from a hypnobirthing class
During my hypnobirthing group classes, you will learn about the physiology (how the body works) and the psychology (how the brain works) of birth and you will learn simple ways to create a powerful mind-body connection.
Using hypnotherapy techniques (relaxation, guided visualisations, touch, smell) you will address and release any fears, reframing them into positive associations so that the body and your birthing hormones can work harmoniously. This will then allow you to focus your power and strength on enjoying and being aware of the sensations happening within you during your pregnancy, birth and even through to your fourth trimester.
Hypnobirthing demonstrates how the body is perfectly equipped to birth powerfully and efficiently and how pre-existing fears that are stored subconsciously in our mind can inhibit the birthing process leading to ‘labour stalling’ and sensations of pain. It will help you visualise what birth might look like for you by usefully outlining the choices available to you and your circumstances including pain relief choices and birth place choices.
who will benefit from hypnobirthing?
One of the best things about taking a hypnobirthing course is the time it gives you, the birthing person, to focus on your body, your mind and the baby you are growing inside you. If you are a couple, it is such a special thing to share and learn together. For birth partners, it gives a real sense of purpose as you are given specific tasks and your own set of tools to bring with you to the birth so that you feel that you are truly helping and easing any discomfort.
can it be used for all births?
Modern hypnobirthing courses are accessible for all versions of birth - vaginal, abdominal, spontaneous and induced and you will learn techniques that are relevant for each of these so that you feel in control of your own birth and circumstances.
why choose me as your teacher?
I will bring a depth of experience, not only from my hypnobirthing training but also from being a doula and having walked alongside women and families as they have birthed babies and birthed as mothers and fathers.
I have seen how the process of hypnobirthing teaching has developed since I first completed my training in 2017 into a more inclusive and flexible method for empowering people through their birth experiences. The syllabus that I teach is unique in the way that it combines mindfulness and hypnobirthing and I truly believe that it will bring a calmness to your life that is so important for anyone about to journey through pregnancy and parenthood. You will learn life tools to help with every day anxiety and stresses and you will learn how to advocate for yourself and for your family.
I will always bring a warm smile to our class and I will teach with a lightness and joyfulness that I hope will help you immerse yourself into the process. I will leave my judgements at the door, offer a safe space for you to voice how you feel and I will be a support person who you have at the end of the phone throughout our time together.
hypnobirthers have experienced;
shortened time of labour (specifically the first stage of labour). With the body in a deep state of relaxation the hormones and muscles are able to to work more harmoniously and more efficiently
a decrease in medical interventions. Armed with a good knowledge of the birthing process and knowing what your choices are, you are more likely to be confident in your body’s ability and trust in the birthing process
reduced sensations of pain. You will understand how your hormones and muscles work in harmony during birth and how to utilise the techniques and tools you’ve learnt to increase your endorphin levels - the body’s natural pain reliever
a positive and empowering birth experience. You will be an active participant in your birth with a strong and confident mindset, knowing what questions to ask and making informed decisions that are right for you and your baby. This goes for birth partners too - they will also have the tools and techniques to use during labour giving them a feeling of control and confidence too
a more relaxed, calm and happy pregnancy and postnatal period. Through taking time each day to connect with your body, baby and mind you will learn how to control your breath and internal voice as well as knowing how to let go of what you cannot change. This is not only useful for birth but for the rest of your life as you navigate the challenges of parenthood
a calmer baby. If mum is happy, calm and confident in pregnancy then she produces less cortisol - a stressor hormone - which means that baby is less exposed to stress. If the birthing process has been calm and gentle too then baby will land earthside and feel secure and comforted. Hypnobabies are reported to get off to a better breastfeeding journey also (and dare I say it, they sleep better too!)
free consultation
I offer a free consultation to talk more about your individual circumstances and introduce myself properly and how The Mindful Birth Group®syllabus can work for you. Call me, email me or book here.